Miso Soup with Egg Drop: Instant Breakfast on the Go

I'm a bagel and cream cheese kind of gal, always have been, but I'm trying to branch out my breakfast options when I'm on the go and don't have time to make a big breakfast at home. Enter miso soup.


I find miso soup recipes to be somewhat daunting, with quick homemade broths from exotic ingredients being an unreasonable expectation for early morning kithenry. That's why I am so thankful to have found Trader Joe's instant miso packets. They have been a great introduction to miso soup for me, and a way to start a new pattern of eating at breakfast while I learn how to make miso soup on my own. The miso soup alone tastes good, but it doesn't quite feel like a meal, so I've added an egg drop to the recipe for breakfast on the go faster than you can toast a bagel!


Instant Miso Soup with Egg Drop To Go

1 packet instant miso soup
1 egg
2 cups boiling water

Crack the egg into a pint mason jar and lightly beat it. Add contents of miso soup packet to jar. Fill jar with boiling water, and then swirl the soup with a spoon to mix in the egg.  Let cook/cool for a couple of minutes before drinking, or do what I do and wait to eat it until you're en route. Nutritious and goes down easy!