Over the years, I had all but given up on keeping a sourdough starter, but six months ago I was gifted with a starter from King Arthur Flour, which has tended the same starter for 300 years (and it's local to me). Determined to succeed, I scoured the internet for updated information on how to keep and how to use a sourdough starter. It's really quite simple, if you want it to be.
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A wonderful thing happened shortly before Christmas: one of my jade plants came into bloom! I didn't even know jade could bloom, and in an entire lifetime of keeping jaded as house plants, this is the first I've seen bloom.
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With winter days short, although lengthening at last, it is easy to lament the loss of longer, warmer summer days, and yet, each day as I am about to curse the dying of the light, I look to the sky and see such scenes of beauty that it is hard to deny the magnificence of winter.
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